Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Undistracted Devotion

As I've been reading through 1 Corinthians, I think Paul has a central theme of undistracted devotion to God. Although there's only one verse in chapter 7 where he talks about this kind of devotion, it is an implied theme in all of the other verses.

In chapter 8 verse 6, Paul notes that there is only one God and that we exist to serve Him. This is such a simple truth and I'm so used to hearing it in church and at school, but it something we never should get tired of hearing or believing. I know the truth, but I don't live the truth. Practically, living like we exist only to serve God would change our whole attitude in life. It should change the way I interact with people at school or at home. It should change my attitude toward God. My Bible wouldn't just sit on the shelf half the time if I really lived like I existed to serve God.

Also in chapter 8, verse 13, Paul talks about how if something causes his brother to stumble, then he would never be involved with it again. In Paul's case he was referring to food they sacrificed to idols. He wasn't under any law that said he couldn't eat that food, but he did have to remember that his actions might confuse a weaker brother and cause him to stumble. This goes for us too. We are free in Christ, but if our free actions causes a non-believer, or even one of our Christian brothers, to stumble, then we need to stop doing that action IMMEDIATELY.

Chapter 9 follows a similar pattern. Paul goes on to talk about becoming "all things to all people." This is not Paul patronizing or putting a front for people, this is Paul being careful not to offend others with his actions. Now, granted, he can't just bend to people's desires and expectations, he has to act within the realm of Scripture. And in this process Paul talks about how he has to discipline his body to make it his slave so that he won't get to the end of the race of life and find himself disqualified. As Christians we need to do the same. We are in a spiritual battle. We've got to fight and discipline our bodies to follow the leadings and direction of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

This Christian walk isn't easy, but if we are doing what we were made to do--serve God--our life will be filled with so much joy.

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