Sunday, January 1, 2012

new years resolution: be still and know that I am God

Starting off the new year making a commitment to set aside a time with God every day.

My devotion today was about prayer--actually part of the devo was about being still and knowing God (coincidence? I think not!). Prayer is not for the purpose of getting what I want. Prayer is a gift given to us by God to learn about Him and discover His will. It's another way to worship God. Prayer requires listening--being open and receptive to what God has to say. We're to pray in a way that shows we trust God with the outcome.

My devo book asked an application question: What is one specific thing you will do to change and improve your communication with God?

I have two ideas:
1. Change the subject of my prayer to God, rather than myself, giving Him the glory!
2. Practice prayer without ceasing--acknowledging God in all of my ways.

Here's to a New Year and a renewed relationship with God!