Thursday, September 29, 2011

The end of a journey...

Over one year ago I started reading through the Bible with a friend. Tomorrow marks the end of this journey. It's been a great one with lots of lessons learned and lots of self-discipline practiced.

That said... I'm a little behind and getting caught up. I read through 1 Peter this afternoon and saw a lot of truths and lessons that I have never noticed before. First, in verse 17 of chapter 1 it says: "If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth." That verse really struck me, maybe because of a speaker I heard. He was talking about the way Christians in China conduct themselves. Even though they live in fear of being killed all the time, they do not hesitate to worship God and serve Him. That verse is a call to us as Christians to take our walk with God seriously. We're not to just flit around living life, and claiming the name Christian. We're to live it every day with passion so that the world can see who God is.

Moving on, it seems to be a them in 1 Peter. In chapter 2:20-23, Peter is writing about how we are called to suffer for Christ because that finds favor with God. He says, "and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously." Basically it's the attitude of Christ that we should mimic. We are to live for Christ and, as Christ's followers, we are to be mirrors of Him.

In chapter 3: 3-4 there's a special message for women. It is a small description of what we, as God's children, should be doing. We should not be focusing on ourselves and our appearance, but on our character and heart for God.

Also, verse 15 of chapter 3 says that as followers of Christ we should be able to answer questions that people have about Jesus. We need to be strong enough in our faith to defend and inform people about Jesus.

Chapter 4:8-10 gives very practical advice as to how we should live as Christians.

1. Love one another, love covers a multitude of sins.

2. Be hospitable to one another and don't complain.

3. Serve one another with the gifts that you have and do it only in God's strength.

This is such a beautiful piece of Scripture that basically sums up the attitude that we should have as we live life. I looked at those three and it was just kind of like a slap in the face because they are so simple, so sweet, and yet I don't do them. I am the queen of complaining and I don't do much for others... and when I do I just think about what I deserve later on. I'm not doing things for God or in His strength, but for myself in my own strength.

That is the challenge that I take from 1 Peter--to follow those three commands with a heart giving glory to God.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't skip over "all"

I was reading Philippians chapter 2 today and came to verse 14 that says to do "all things without grumbling or disputing." How often do we read that verse and skip over the ALL? I take that verse as a personal challenge to curb my complaints and try to have a more positive attitude about things in life. Or instead of complaining, take my complaints and cares to God and rely on Him for strength. I think that is my biggest fault is that I resort to complaining about everything to try and gain some sense of control over a difficult situation when, in reality, God has all the control and I am just blowing Him off! So as I go into this week, I want to go in with a new perspective. I want to put God first and give Him control over my difficult situations. I am very stressed with all of the reading I have to do for my classes and all the practice I have to do on my instruments. I am running out of time and it is making me very nervous. I know that I can do all things in God's strength, so here I am casting all my cares upon Him for He cares for me. Take this verse as a personal challenge to stop complaining and lean on God for strength!